Year: 2019

  • Beginner Home Workout Routine No Equipment Required

    This post covers all about a beginner home workout routine that requires no equipment. It will be all bodyweight and leverage. As the new year rolls in, more and more people are sharing their intent to start things off healthy. Yes, again, this year… like last year. Before we get started, jump on the newsletter…

  • How To Build Leg Muscle Without Weights At Home

    Today I’m going to show you how to build leg muscle without weights. I have some great tips for getting a good home workout for your lower body completed in less than 30 minutes. Add to the short time to get this done and that fact that you won’t need a single piece of exercise…

  • Bodyweight Chest Exercises For Beginners With No Equipment

    This post will cover the best chest exercises for beginners with no equipment and also at the end with some basic equipment. When someone asks which bodyweight exercises are good for improving chest, I hope right away they are talking about either improving size or strength. If not then I’m going to have to tell…

  • How To Do The Burpee Exercise And What Muscles They Work

    I’m going to answer the question of “How to do the burpee exercise and what muscles do they work?” It was sent in via email from a newsletter subscriber. Looking at similar questions, people often ask about a perfect burpee or how to do it correctly or properly. The burpee is just a movement that…

  • Here’s Your Beginner 3 Day Full Body Workout Routine

    This beginner 3 day full body workout routine is for two groups of people. The first is for beginners to get started on a 3 day full body workout routine and the second is for the advanced people to take a week or two of active rest before starting my full program. A lot of…

  • How Long Does It Take To Get Flexible – A Stretching For Flexibility Routine

    In this next section I will answer the question of how long does it take to get flexible and give you a stretching for flexibility routine. It’s important that right from the beginning to develop strength as your flexibility improves. Increasing your joints range of motion without also improving the strength of the surrounding muscles…

  • The Basics of Working Out And A Basic Workout Routine For Beginners

    Over the next 8 minutes of reading I’ll show you a basic workout routine for beginners as well as all the basics you need to know about when you start. Since your body develops to the needs put on it, chances are that your body right now is a finely tuned machine for TV. watching!…

  • Weight Loss, Anxiety, Despair And Anger

    How Thinking Outside Big Box Fitness Will Make You Feel Good Its pretty easy to get sucked into the belief that if you want to change your body then you have to lift weights 3 times a week and then do cardio in addition to that at least 4-5 times for half an hour. Does…

  • Extreme Dieting And Training For Weight Loss: Big Mistake!

    Why You Need To Slow Bake Your Cookies… There is no single best way to get in shape; it is always a combined effort using a couple different systems of the body. This means that in order to burn fat fast but to do it safely, we have to eat right, do some aerobic exercise…

  • 7 Specific And Actionable Tips For Losing Fat That You Can Use Right Now

    Welcome to the first part of my fat loss “ULTRA Quick-Start” guide. This guide is 7 specific tips, tricks and secrets to get you jump started FAST so you can lose fat and get in the best shape of your life. This quick-results mini guide is intended for everyone who needs to get up to…