How I Quickly Write My Sales Letters

Writing a sales letter is quick and easy when you use these 3 simple basic steps I’m about to show you.

I use a simple plan that goes like this…

I tell people:

  • What I have
  • What’s in it for them
  • And where to get it.

Here’s how I do it and some tips to help you write your own.

Tell Them What You Have – First, tell the reader what you are selling. Be clear and simple.

Start with a strong title. It should say what you have. For example, “Get the Best Book On Writing For Medium.”

Then highlight the main things your product has. Use bullet points. For example:

This book shows you how I:

  • Write my articles
  • Grew my account
  • Reuse my Medium content to book coaching calls.

Use words that show you are excited. Make the reader feel happy too.

2. What’s In It For Them

The next step depends on the length of the sales message and where you are using it. For a short email, the bullets are often enough. If you are writing a full sales letter, then tell them more about why your product is good for them. Show how it helps them.

Talk About Their Problems: Think about what problems they have. Show how your product fixes these problems.

Highlight the Good Things: Explain how your product makes their life better. Use examples. For example:

“You don’t yet have a large following or an email list but I’ll show you how to get one.”
“I got you covered if you prefer to spend more time writing and less time hustling for visibility through engagement.”

Give them a reason to buy it now by using limited-time offers. For example, “Order today and get 75% off!”

3. Where to Get It

Finally, tell them how to buy your product. Make it easy.

Include a strong call to action by using clear and strong words. For example, “Buy Now,” “Get Started,” or “Claim Your Discount.”

I have to remind myself of this often as I tend to soft-sell and ramble.

Make it easy to find by telling them where to go to buy it. Include links and contact details. For example, “Visit this link to order your copy on Amazon today.”

Remind Them Again: Tell them again why your product is great. Tell them again why they should buy now. For example, “Don’t miss this chance to save 75% and learn how I make money on Medium easy with my step-by-step plan. Buy Now.

Extra Tips That Help Me Write Quick Sales Letters

I know my readers and understand who I’m are writing to. So I make my message fit their needs.

A clear message works best. So I use simple words and short sentences.

And for everything I do more than once, I have a basic template to save time. I simply change it for each product.

By following these steps, you can write great sales letters fast too. Your letters will be clear and fun.

People will buy your product if they want what you are selling because you are being direct, simple, and honest.

Remember, tell them what you have, why it’s good for them, and how to get it. Simple…

“Keep it simple, make it memorable, and make it inviting to look at.” – Leo Burnett*

Interesting side note: Did you know that Leo Burnett’s advertising company created the Pillsbury Doughboy, The Keebler Elves and Morris the Cat for 9-Lives cat food?

P.S. Here is and example of the sales email I sent out to my subscribers about “How To Make Money On Medium” today. (yes, sometimes I violate my own advice 🙂

Subject: You can grab a copy of my book on amazon

Quick shout to let you know that…

You can get a copy of “How To Make Money on” on right now.

The cost is $2.99 for the kindle version.

This book shows you how I:

– Write my articles
– Grew my account
– Reuse the Medium content to book coaching calls.

Here is the link:

Have a great day,
Raymond Burton




