Do you want to know how to lose belly fat fast? One that’s especially effective for men?
There’s a big problem out there for guys trying to drop a few pounds and get a lean muscular body. Actually, there are 7 BIG PROBLEMS. But they are easy to fix and you’re about to discover how.
On a recent vacation, I realized how simple losing 8-10 pounds in a month can be. You just need it laid out step-by-step to cut through the confusion out there. So that’s what I’ll do for you.
Have you ever wondered, “Does a regular guy wanting to drop a couple of pounds to look good on the beach really need to go through all the extreme discipline and time suck the magazines say?”
The Answer Is… “NOT AT ALL.”
The widely taught crazy dieting and insanely intense training methods used by bodybuilders and cult circuit trainers are impractical, very hard and don’t work long term for the average guy working a 40 hour work week.
Plain and simple… You don’t need to do it. The fitness guru’s who write these programs don’t realize how impractical the routines and diets are because they are full time trainer with no other obligations… I realized this when I became an electrician for a few years and had to get a 9-5 job working construction.
Of course the traditional bodybuilding contest prep works. It just sucks. I went through the bodybuilding diet torture chamber to win my weight class at a bodybuilding show. It was brutal and I couldn’t wait to stop and get back to normal life. To eat real food and not be so tired and hungry. It was impractical, very hard, and there was no way to stay that lean without depriving myself and training like a maniac all the time.
As I turned 40, those same methods seemed more and more impractical with family and a long work week in the picture.
So I changed a few things, tested them out, and now, at 41 years old (as of writing this), I feel and look better, with less effort, than ever before… and so can you.
Do you find it’s getting harder to be lean and muscular than when you were in your 20’s? when you had a hummingbird-like metabolism with zero stress factors?
Have you noticed that weight gathers on your belly faster, the iron in the gym doesn’t get added to the bar as quick, and you have to be more careful of injuries, nicks and dings in your armour?
Don’t Worry, You Can Keep Your Edge
You Shouldn’t Beat Yourself Up When Hyped Diets And Workout Routines Fail Because…
- They’re designed by trainer superstars that don’t have normal jobs and don’t know what you’re going through
- They’re impractical – telling you to weigh every frick’n meal…Who has time for that?
- They expect you to carry six meals in tupperware with you everywhere….like that looks professional on the job.
- They make you live like a monk salivating for the forbidden fruit of having something that actually satisfies your cravings… of course you eventually give into temptation. You can’t beat instinct.
What you need is a simple solution to losing belly fat. Something that keeps in mind who you are and where you are in life right now. Your limited time, busy schedule, family obligations and dwindling energy levels. The great news is, you don’t need massive changes in order to see massive changes and cut in newer small belt notches.
How You Can Fix Your Broken Metabolism to Burn Fat 24 Hours per Day, 7 Days Per Week
This won’t suck up all your time working out or leave you starving just to lose a few pounds. And you’ll still:
- Lose belly fat fast, put a new notch in your belt and then easily maintain a leaner, more muscular body so that you turn heads year round
- Get rid of bloating, constipation and digestion problems so that you never feel fat in your jeans or suit
- Increase your energy so that not only can you put in a full day work, but also have some fun after without nodding off
- Increase your recovery speed and reduce recovery time so that you don’t spend your weekends just trying to get your feet under you for the next work week
- Speed up your metabolism and get it revving hot so that the weight falls off even when you are NOT working out
- Reduce your inflammation, joint pain and muscle pain so that you can get out there and kick some ass.
- Optimize your hormones especially if you are over 35 so that you don’t get weaker, softer and lose your sex drive
- Get stronger and more flexible so that you can charge at life instead of tippy toeing around injuries
- Turn back the clock 10 years and replenish your enzyme pool so that you don’t get indigestion and stomach problems after you eat
- Eat great tasting foods and still lose stubborn belly fat so you become one of those people that “gets away with eating whatever they want”
- Have cheat meals (yes, even pizza), and quit your weighing food so that you burn off fat but never feel deprived of the “good stuff”
- Get a big dinner every night so you sleep like a baby even if a solid nights sleep has been a problem for you
- Have more free time to do the things that are important to you INSTEAD OF prepping, packing and weighing food while stressing, calculating and eating by the clock.
Step-By-Step, Done For You Plan For Eating And Training To Lose Fat Quick
The good news is that I’ve got the step-by-step, no-thinking, done-for-you system that I simply call “How To Lose Belly Fat Fast For Men.” I know, not an imaginative title by any stretch but it’s what’s inside that counts. It’s something that you can do long term and it’s easy and adaptable so that it works no matter what life is throwing at you during any given time.
You want to get ripped for a vacation? Simple, tighten the screws a little and voila. I’ll show you how to live loose and also how to kick it up a notch. You look “good” one way and “AWESOME” the other. It’s the old sports method of being either in season or off season but no matter where you are, you still look great and kick ass compared to the “Average Joe”. You’ll never be more than a couple weeks for completely ripped.
It’s an easy to use and understand system, and I’ve made every effort to keep the blueprint as short as possible because I know your time is precious. It won’t take you more than 30 minutes to understand the directions and get started shedding stubborn fat right away.
Here’s what you get:
The How To Lose Belly Fat For Men Nutrition Plan
It’s not your fault that past diets failed you. They were far too complicated and hard to follow.
This simple diet is so easy to follow that you’ll be able to use it no matter how busy your life is today.
You won’t have to prepare 6 meals each day and haul around a cooler at work. Instead, you’ll discover how to enjoy your favorite foods without the guilt (or the belly fat).
You’ll shed fat fast with a powerful combination of these workouts and this easy-to-follow, but highly effective nutrition plan that will shed even the most stubborn fat.
The “War-Ready” RebelFit Training Videos
The workouts and demonstration videos are the power factor to melting away stubborn body fat and getting a warrior worthy physique in just 90 minutes a week.
If you’re ready to ditch your treadmill and spend less time working out – yet get better results…
If you’re ready to transform your body in just 90 minutes PER WEEK…
And if you’re ready to NEVER feel embarrassed or ashamed of the way you look, then pay attention because I’ve laid out everything you need.
– You won’t need to get an expensive gym membership.
– There’s no need to hire a personal trainer for $75 per session.
– And you won’t even need to leave your home.
Here’s How to Get Started
Register your email below and you’ll get instant access to the program. If you don’t like my free fit tips newsletter after you subscribe, then simply unsubscribe and keep the program and bonuses.
Ray Burton
Here’s What A Few Of The Newsletter Readers Have To Say About Their Results From The How To Lose Belly Fat Fast System And Videos Found Only In The Newsletter Subscribers Section.
I’ve lost 50 lbs. in the last 6 1/2 months.
“With Rays help and guidance, I’m at my lowest weight in over 10 years (and still losing). I’ve lost 50 lbs. in the last 6 1/2 months. When I reached a plateau, Ray’s workout helped me smash through and reach a whole new level fast! Oh, and I did it all WITHOUT a gym membership or expensive equipment. Do what Ray tells you and you’ll get into the best shape of your life!”
Jim Edwards
Port Haywood, VA
“I Lost 60 Pounds And Am Still Going Strong!”
My metabolism “flipped” and I could feel it happen.
I immediately started losing weight fast, for me it was steady at 2lbs per week and now I have lost over 60 pounds and am still going strong. I started at 254 pounds and now am down to 194 pounds and can lift more in my workouts, go longer and feel great!
You just have to try it.”
Mack Kay
Alberta Canada
I went from 18% body fat to 11%
I approached Ray and like many times before he pushed and challenged me to keep MOTIVATED and spent additional time with me in order to adapt my training to compensate for my injury. The concern and support that Ray showed allowed me to re-charge and I NEVER GAVE UP and made the suggested changes and adaptations to my program. The results are that I went from 18% body fat to 11%. As well I increased my lean muscle mass and improved my cardio conditioning. Thanks for all of your support Ray and I am now ready for a new challenge.
Dave Fafard

Simon Kelly

Warren Coles
First of all let me say I had my doubts that Ray would be able to live up to all the hype that was surrounding his training. After all I was starting his program at 323 lbs. But after doing it for the first month, I couldn’t believe the butt kicking I got. In that one month alone I dropped 30 lbs of 100% fat and gained some mean lean solid muscle mass and weighed in at 295 lbs!!! I could actually see some definition in my body over all. Because of his training and giving me the butting kicking I so desperately needed, I am weighing in at 230 lbs this year!
What I don’t understand is how after buying a gym membership and getting a personal trainer for 3 months at 4 times a week (costing 65$ a session) the only weight I lost seemed to be in my wallet. Yet with Ray, I lost 30 pounds!
Now I know why none of my clothes really fit anymore.
So if your not sure if this program is right for you….well it will be if you follow Ray’s advice and bring the motivation and desire, it will work.
I just wanted to let you know that before I started your program my cholesterol level was 265 which of course was high and one of the reason I started your program. I went to the doctors on Monday for a follow up on my cholesterol levels and it came in at 142 needless to say my doctor was pleased with that number and so was I. So with the help of your system my numbers improved greatly.
I have been staying consistent still and am feeling and doing really well! Another 20 pounds and I will have reached my goal for weight loss….I can not thank you enough for your tremendous support and encouragement!
why I workout like I do, I tell them about your no BS training so hopefully, you’ll get a little business from my end. Keep it up man! Tony Zimlich
You were right, I don’t need any fat burners,I did it on my own!
I just wanted to share that with you and thank you. This is the best shape I have been in ever. I couldn’t have done it without you, your book, and your patience with the multitude of questions I asked you!
I got down to 10% body fat! You were always willing to help me out with a question and in some cases wrote a full page article about my concern. Keep up the great work! You made me feel like a friend more than a client.
Joel Smith San Antonio, TX
A. South