I’m Raymond Burton and… Welcome to the Basement Barbarians Club!
For Product Support, please contact the vendor HERE.
For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE.
Each month a new program of mine that sells seperately for $49 will appear here – yours FREE as part of your membership with me.
Your credit card or bank statement will show a charge by ClickBank or CLKBANK*COM, rather than a reference to my specific name Raymond Burton because ClickBank is my online transaction handler.
Contact info for support: Ray@RaymondBurton.com 1-403-862-9514
To get you started – First, here is the “How To Lose Bellyfat For Men” program. This is ground zero for starting to get back into shape from scratch.
Right click this link and select download from the drop down. Save it to your computer and get started ASAP.
Let me know if you have any questions and we’ll take it from there.
Any time you need to reach me, my email is Ray@RaymondBurton.com
Here is your basic training to get you started:
One of the first things I hear from busy people that join the program is that they don’t have time to both go for a walk and do a workout in the same day.
Ah! This not a problem! Nothing’s a problem. If you have time for only one, then do one.
Which is better, walking or working out? What’s the better of the two, is the one you’ll do. Remember, do SOMETHING, is the only rule. Having said that, effectiveness wise, I’d do the workout over the walk 🙂
Why workout over walk? Because with the workout you are starting to move your joints under load bearing ranges of motion that you are not used to, and this causes more of a body reaction and thus change than walking. The workout will grease your joints and start to make you stronger. Combining those two factors makes daily life way easier both energy wise and pain free wise.
So what’s on the agenda for today?
Your first workout.
Here it is:
Do the warm up and all of the phase 1 versions of the exercises from the videos. This can be done ANYWHERE without equipment… so let’s start dropping some pounds.
This means:
Wall Pushups 3×30
Doorway rows 3×30
Squatting shoulder rockers 3×30
Jacknife Squats 3×30
Hip Rolls 3×30
If you are just getting started working out, then you are going rest a minute after every set of each exercise. Go from one exercise to the next after each set. This way, you will get a little of every muscle group in case your body wears down before your ambition ☺
Most people start off with only one round and seldom get the full 30 repetitions when first starting out.
If everything is feeling great, go for another round. Still feeling good? If yes, go for a third and final run through. If you’re getting wiped out, shut it down for the day.
It’s important at this point that I convey the importance of not trying to kill yourself with exercise. You can’t rush this process. So do enough to stimulate, not annihilate.
Once your body feels good about what you are doing, you will naturally and instinctually want and do more. That’s when you can move to the next harder version of an exercise.
A Note About High Repetitions
I would like to mention at this point that the high repetitions are to get blood into the joints and let any abused and overused/underused bodyparts recover and get prepped for the more intense exercise to come.
Once you can complete 3 sets of 30 repetitions of any version of an exercise, you can move forward to the next harder variation. Please note, moving from one exercise variation to the next could take a couple weeks. If you are really dinged up, it could take months. It doesn’t matter.
You are moving, burning calories, fixing your body. I promised you weight loss that would last a lifetime, and this is the way to do it.
Next up…
The Commando Cardio Program
Here is your download page for the Commando Cardio program bonus.
The 22 Weight Loss Hacks Program
Here is your 22 Weight Loss Hacks program. It will open as a PDF which you can save to your computer or read online. All exercises in the program can be found on this page in the videos.
I’ll include more of my separately sold programs and information with you in the coming emails as I move them over to be included here.
Talk to you soon,
For Product Support, please contact the vendor HERE.
For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE.