Online Fitness Coach – Personalized Training & Diet Plans

Just The Facts About Online Fitness Coaching With Raymond Burton

Do you feel like you need someone to talk to about reaching your wellness goals? Because I’d love to be your online fitness coach and take you from wherever you are now, to where you’d like to be.

No judgement. No shaming. Just support and suggestions.

I’ve lost 50 lbs. in the last 6 1/2 months.

Jim lost 50 pounds of belly fat with online fitness coach Ray “With Rays help and guidance, I’m at my lowest weight in over 10 years (and still losing). I’ve lost 50 lbs. in the last 6 1/2 months. When I reached a plateau, Ray’s workout helped me smash through and reach a whole new level fast! Oh, and I did it all WITHOUT a gym membership or expensive equipment. Do what Ray tells you and you’ll get into the best shape of your life!”

Jim Edwards
Port Haywood, VA

• Lose fat, build muscle, fit in a dress, ditch the dad-bod or get in top condition for the military, fire or police services with my one-on-one support via video, phone and email.
• Nutritional advice based on where you are and the next step you need to take.
• After the initial email consultation, I send you everything laid out step-by-step so you can get going right away.
• Questions are answered either by video, call/text or email. I will personally respond with the solutions to your obstacles and tell you exactly what to do next.
• All exercises will be visually demonstrated and explained so instructions are easy to understand.

How To Get Started

• Download your free guide to the Basics Of Getting In Shape At Home. If you need help implementing it or taking it further, go to the next step below.
• Email me at and I’ll send you a link to book a quick and free 30 minute call.

This will let us meet each other and see if I can help you reach your goals and if you like me enough to be your coach.

From there you decide between the following two options:

• Book a time for one or more Zoom calls for advice, next steps coaching, or accountability check ins.

• Get the “Whatever It Takes” package. This is specifically designed for you. This means eating help, full training accountability and instruction, full text and zoom support. For a whole month. Everything you need to get from where you are to where you want to go. And everything caters to your special requirements or life challenges.

What Kind Of Financial Investment To Expect:

• One Time Zoom Call – $97/hour

• “Whatever It Takes” Package – $1197/month


“I Lost 60 Pounds And Am Still Going Strong!”

Weight loss client My metabolism “flipped” and I could feel it happen.

I immediately started losing weight fast, for me it was steady at 2lbs per week and now I have lost over 60 pounds and am still going strong. I started at 254 pounds and now am down to 194 pounds and can lift more in my workouts, go longer and feel great!

You just have to try it.”

Mack Kay

Alberta Canada

I went from 18% body fat to 11%

david fafardI approached Ray and like many times before he pushed and challenged me to keep MOTIVATED and spent additional time with me in order to adapt my training to compensate for my injury. The concern and support that Ray showed allowed me to re-charge and I NEVER GAVE UP and made the suggested changes and adaptations to my program. The results are that I went from 18% body fat to 11%. As well I increased my lean muscle mass and improved my cardio conditioning. Thanks for all of your support Ray and I am now ready for a new challenge.
Dave Fafard

A serious car accident left me unable to work for nine months. After being unable to do much for several months my body was starting to slip and I wasn’t healthy. Since training with Ray I have made dramatic improvements in several areas of my health. After my latest checkup I am no longer border line type 2 diabetic. My blood sugar levels are down from 6.3 to 5.7. My total cholesterol is down from 4.16 to 3.24 and my resting heart rate is now 61 from 73. My pants fit better after losing 21 pounds and now have the energy to do the things I enjoy. So thanks for everything Ray.
Simon Kelly

warren coles results from online fitness coaching I have been training with personal trainer Ray Burton for several months now. Using Ray’s advice and training principles, I have been capable of losing 29 pounds of body fat while adding 12 pounds of lean body mass.

Thank-you for everything Ray
Warren Coles

In no other program have I achieved even half the amount of success I have in yours. This has also motivated me in the other various aspects of my life. To date since I’ve started I have lost 20lbs of fat, I put on 13 lbs of muscle, and I’m down to a 36/38 regular fit jeans from a 42 relaxed fit and my body fat percentage has dropped from 23% to 18%.

A. South

Davs results with online fitness coach RayFirst of all let me say I had my doubts that Ray would be able to live up to all the hype that was surrounding his training. After all I was starting his program at 323 lbs. But after doing it for the first month, I couldn’t believe the butt kicking I got. In that one month alone I dropped 30 lbs of 100% fat and gained some mean lean solid muscle mass and weighed in at 295 lbs!!! I could actually see some definition in my body over all. Because of his training and giving me the butting kicking I so desperately needed, I am weighing in at 230 lbs this year!

What I don’t understand is how after buying a gym membership and getting a personal trainer for 3 months at 4 times a week (costing 65$ a session) the only weight I lost seemed to be in my wallet. Yet with Ray, I lost 30 pounds!

Now I know why none of my clothes really fit anymore.

So if your not sure if this program is right for you….well it will be if you follow Ray’s advice and bring the motivation and desire, it will work.

Dav Siciliano

I just wanted to let you know that before I started your program my cholesterol level was 265 which of course was high and one of the reason I started your program. I went to the doctors on Monday for a follow up on my cholesterol levels and it came in at 142 needless to say my doctor was pleased with that number and so was I. So with the help of your system my numbers improved greatly.


Well I weighed myself today and I am down to 224 so thus far I have lost about 22 pounds…
I have been staying consistent still and am feeling and doing really well! Another 20 pounds and I will have reached my goal for weight loss….

I can not thank you enough for your tremendous support and encouragement!

Just wanted to let you know that the farther I go into the program the more I love/hate it. Not only are the workouts great, but the the nutrition info you included are top notch. When anyone asks me why I workout like I do, I tell them about your no BS training so hopefully you’ll get a little business from my end. Keep it up man!
Tony Zimlich

You were right, I don’t need any fat burners,I did it on my own!

I just wanted to share that with you and thank you. This is the best shape I have been in ever. I couldn’t have done it without you, your book, and your patience with the multitude of questions I asked you!

I got down to 10% body fat! You were always willing to help me out with a question and in some cases wrote a full page article about my concern. Keep up the great work! You made me feel like a friend more than a client.

Joel Smith San Antonio, TX

You can see even more clients case studies here.

Comments From Others Why They Chose Ray As Their Online Fitness Coach

1) “I knew I could trust you to want the best results and that my health and goals would be a priority.”

2) “I knew you had the background, experience and knowledge to provide the best information.”

3) “I knew (after a few questions) that I wouldn’t have to follow a strict, set diet. That’s why I asked if I could have fruit; I’ve had a nutritionist before who had me follow a plan that restricted fruit to only apples and berries and other crazy stuff.”

4) “I could do what worked for me and what I enjoyed – like, I already have weights and enjoy working out from home and I like to run for cardio. I didn’t want to have to join a gym or go to classes that wouldn’t work for my schedule and that I would hate. I liked that you switched me to the block food plan because that worked better for me.”

5) “I liked the idea that you would be with me for 30 days (and more if I wanted) and that I could ask questions and get responses in a timely fashion. I want to do this right and I like that if I ask about how to change a workout or have a food question, you respond quickly because I don’t want to go ahead and assume anything; I like being prepared.”

Getting Started With Your Coaching

  1. We book a call and I get your basic lifestyle, eating and training info so I can get an overall look at what you need.
  2. Then I look at everything to get an idea of what changes will give you the quickest return for your time and effort.
  3. Then I’ll lay it all out for you in an easy to understand and follow plan.
  4. From there you give it a try, I make constant suggestions to help you with any obstacles you are running into and you get lean, lose fat, get strong and increase your fitness over the next 3 months.
  5. The whole time I will keep you accountable, on the path, motivated and sure of every step you take.

If that sounds like what you are looking for, then I would love to be your online fitness coach. Contact me, Ray at: to get started.

Why Others Choose Online Fitness Coach Ray Burton

• “It’s way more cost effective for me than paying a trainer at my gym.”
• “Scheduling problems with my trainer are no longer a factor.”
• “I get access to top notch training advice, not just whats available in my local gym.”
• “I knew I could trust you to want the best results and that my health and goals would be a priority.”
• “It was worth paying Ray for answers just so I could save the time hunting them down myself.”
• “I knew you had the background, experience and knowledge to provide the best information.”
• “I knew (after a few questions) that I wouldn’t have to follow a strict, set diet. That’s why I asked if I could have fruit; I’ve had a nutritionist before who had me follow a plan that restricted fruit to only apples and berries and other crazy stuff.”
• “I could do what worked for me and what I enjoyed – like, I already have weights and enjoy working out from home and I like to run for cardio. I didn’t want to have to join a gym or go to classes that wouldn’t work for my schedule and that I would hate. I liked that you switched me to the block food plan because that worked better for me.”
• “I liked the idea that you would be with me for 30 days (and more if I wanted) and that I could ask questions and get responses in a timely fashion. I want to do this right and I like that if I ask about how to change a workout or have a food question, you respond quickly because I don’t want to go ahead and assume anything; I like being prepared.”

Raymond Burton is a certified personal trainer through the International Sports Science Association and the Alberta Fitness Leadership Certification Association.