Things Raymond Burtons’ fitness clients have said after working with him:
I’ve lost 50 lbs. in the last 6 1/2 months.
“With Rays help and guidance, I’m at my lowest weight in over 10 years (and still losing). I’ve lost 50 lbs. in the last 6 1/2 months. When I reached a plateau, Ray’s workout helped me smash through and reach a whole new level fast! Oh, and I did it all WITHOUT a gym membership or expensive equipment. Do what Ray tells you and you’ll get into the best shape of your life!”
Jim Edwards
Port Haywood, VA
“I Lost 60 Pounds And Am Still Going Strong!”
My metabolism “flipped” and I could feel it happen.
I immediately started losing weight fast, for me it was steady at 2lbs per week and now I have lost over 60 pounds and am still going strong. I started at 254 pounds and now am down to 194 pounds and can lift more in my workouts, go longer and feel great!
You just have to try it.”
Mack Kay
Alberta Canada
I went from 18% body fat to 11%
I approached Ray and like many times before he pushed and challenged me to keep MOTIVATED and spent additional time with me in order to adapt my training to compensate for my injury. The concern and support that Ray showed allowed me to re-charge and I NEVER GAVE UP and made the suggested changes and adaptations to my program. The results are that I went from 18% body fat to 11%. As well I increased my lean muscle mass and improved my cardio conditioning. Thanks for all of your support Ray and I am now ready for a new challenge.
Dave Fafard
Simon Kelly
I have been training with personal trainer Ray Burton for several months now. Using Ray’s advice and training principles, I have been capable of losing 29 pounds of body fat while adding 12 pounds of lean body mass.
Thank-you for everything Ray
Warren Coles
A. South
First of all let me say I had my doubts that Ray would be able to live up to all the hype that was surrounding his training. After all I was starting his program at 323 lbs. But after doing it for the first month, I couldn’t believe the butt kicking I got. In that one month alone I dropped 30 lbs of 100% fat and gained some mean lean solid muscle mass and weighed in at 295 lbs!!! I could actually see some definition in my body over all. Because of his training and giving me the butting kicking I so desperately needed, I am weighing in at 230 lbs this year!
What I don’t understand is how after buying a gym membership and getting a personal trainer for 3 months at 4 times a week (costing 65$ a session) the only weight I lost seemed to be in my wallet. Yet with Ray, I lost 30 pounds!
Now I know why none of my clothes really fit anymore.
So if your not sure if this program is right for you….well it will be if you follow Ray’s advice and bring the motivation and desire, it will work.
Dav Siciliano
I just wanted to let you know that before I started your program my cholesterol level was 265 which of course was high and one of the reason I started your program. I went to the doctors on Monday for a follow up on my cholesterol levels and it came in at 142 needless to say my doctor was pleased with that number and so was I. So with the help of your system my numbers improved greatly.
I have been staying consistent still and am feeling and doing really well! Another 20 pounds and I will have reached my goal for weight loss….
I can not thank you enough for your tremendous support and encouragement!
why I workout like I do, I tell them about your no BS training so hopefully you’ll get a little business from my end. Keep it up man!
Tony Zimlich
You were right, I don’t need any fat burners,I did it on my own!
I just wanted to share that with you and thank you. This is the best shape I have been in ever. I couldn’t have done it without you, your book, and your patience with the multitude of questions I asked you!
I got down to 10% body fat! You were always willing to help me out with a question and in some cases wrote a full page article about my concern. Keep up the great work! You made me feel like a friend more than a client.
Joel Smith San Antonio, TX
Hi Ray,
Here are the results from my weigh-in today. I am down to 155.1 lbs. When I started with you, I weighed 185.5 lbs.
My Body Fat is now 31.5% and was originally 43.9% when I started!
Still have about the same amount to lose again before I am at where I want to be, but hopefully if I stay the course, will get there in less time.
Thanks for all your support and encouragement.
Report #2
Hi Ray,
Since my last visit, I have lost 3% more body fat and gained 9 lbs. of lean mass. I am up to 115 for lean mass!Cheers, Tracey
Personal Training Client
Calgary Alberta
I came to Ray after a serious car accident that left me unable to work for
nine months. After being unable to do much for several months my body was
starting to slip and I wasn’t healthy. Since training with Ray I have made
dramatic improvements in several areas of my health. After my latest checkup
I am no longer border line type 2 diabetic. My blood sugar levels are down
from 6.3 to 5.7. My total cholesterol is down from 4.16 to 3.24 and my resting
heart rate is now 61 from 73. My pants fit better after losing 21 pounds and
now have the energy to do the things I enjoy. So thanks for everything Ray.Simon
I have been training with personal trainer Ray Burton for several months now.
Using Ray’s advice and training principles, I have been capable of loosing
29 pounds of body fat while adding 12 pounds of lean body mass. Thank-you
for everything RayWarren Coles
Calgary Personal Training Client
Thanks for you encouraging email. I think you are the first author who has ever personally thanked us for purchasing their book and expressed an interest in how their book is helping us in our goals.Thanks for your help and interest in us. We look forward to updating you monthly on our progress.”
Marie + Kevin
“It Was The Nudge I Needed”
Hey Ray,
I wanted to thank you again. Your last e-mail was the nudge I needed
to get my eating in check. I switched to whole foods that day and
have been able to stick with it no problem. I actually really love
it!Last night we weighed and measured and I am thrilled that I have lost
2lbs and 2 inches from that one small change.Nancy
I have to step in on this one because Nikki is too shy to brag! Crazy girl…
In two months Nikki has has gone from 151 pounds to 146.6 pounds. She has
lost 7.8% bodyfat and gained 8.55 pounds of lean feminine muscle. What does
this mean for her figure? How about 2.25 inches off her waist, 1/2 inch off
her thighs and 1.5 inches off her hips! Ohh and that bit on the back of the
arms..lost half inch there too!Congrats Nikki your dedication paid off!
Hi Ray,
I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for all that you have done for me.
Last night I went home after training and fell asleep, par of the course being in Cancer treatments. Without a doubt I am so thankful that you still motivate me to work out, even during the hardest parts of treatment.
Quitting was never an option, even though some days feel as though it would be easier to just give in to the fatigue. I am truly thankful for you persistence in training me, finding ways to work around the obstacles and simply being a huge motivational factor in my exercise program. Without this, I would have never made it on to the experimental drug test group for patients with Non-Hodgkin’s.
With more options open to me and the desire to keep healthy, I know I will beat this.
Leanne M. Christie
Fekete Associates Inc.
Personal Training Client
Calgary Alberta**NOTE FROM RAY: She did beat it 🙂
Hi Ray,
Since starting with you in January I have gone from 117 pounds to 114 pounds.
I didn’t think that was much until we did the bodyfat test like you said.
I went from 30% to 18%!! I guess you were right when you said I was was looking great… I lost 12% body fat while putting on 9.71 pounds of muscle in all the right places.
Thanks Ray
Branda Moen-Calgary AB
Hello Ray, I became a client in January 2004, and have worked with you on
different fitness routines and nutrition plans. I wanted to share my latest program results and success with you and your readers.I completed a 3 month program involving weight training and COMMANDO CARDIO from Sept. 20 to Dec.17/2004. During my journey I sustained a bicep injury just under 2 months into the program. At this point I was achieving great results so this injury really brought my spirits way down.
I approached Ray and like many times before he pushed and challenged me to keep MOTIVATED and
spent additional time with me in order to adapt my training to compensate for my injury.The concern and support that Ray showed allowed me to re-charge and I NEVER GAVE UP and made the suggested changes and adaptations to my program.
In fact I never missed a COMMANDO session or training session during the program.
The results are that I went from 18% body fat to 11%. As well I increased my lean muscle mass and improved my cardio conditioning.
Thanks for all of your support Ray and I am now ready for a new challenge.
Dave Fafard
Calgary Personal Training Client and Friend
“I lost 4.5 lbs in 2 weeks, normally it takes me 3 months to lose 5 lbs!!”
“I have been working out diligently over the past year and a half and have seen results more in the area of toning and building muscle vs. weight loss (having gone from a size 18 to a size 12 and lost just over 20 lbs).
I recently decided to take a couple of weeks off my usual routine and missed your classes but still worked out on the weekends. Though I didn’t workout quite as hard I did buy your book, did all the calculations and worked out an eating plan. I diligently followed the plan
and lost 4.5 lbs in 2 weeks – normally it takes me 3 months to lose 5 lbs!To be honest, I had not given any thought whatsoever to changing my eating habits. I felt that if I deprived myself of the things I wanted to eat it would decrease my motivation to go to the gym (especially when I hit a plateau and was not seeing any results). I did not want to
be working out hard only to be left feeling deprived, empty and hungry. I really thought this type of change would be too difficult to incorporate but was pleased to realize that the most difficult thing is to consume the amount of food you have recommended. I am never hungry, have increased my level of activity, still have energy to spare and have started to lose weight again.Although I already completely enjoy working out, this type of result certainly gave me the extra bit of motivation I needed to get back to the gym … I can only imagine what is going to happen when I get back to my usual routine. Thanks for making your book so easy to read and understand. I was able to get started quickly and see results right away. It was exactly what I needed.”
Darlene McKinstry
Calgary Alberta
After 3 months on your program Ray, I declare it a resounding success!
Your plan and your support gave me the tools I needed. This is the first time I have stuck with a program for a full 3 months. It moved me along at the right pace so I could condition my muscles, ligaments and tendons to lose weight without injuring myself. There is enough variety that I never get bored. The results were great and came quick enough that I didn’t get discouraged. As a matter of fact, I am looking forward to the next 3 months to see what further improvements I can produce!
For me your program is life-changing. I have the usual results one would expect from a fitness program, more energy, more strength and of course the weight loss. But what your program really gave me was my self-discipline back. For the first 21 years Kevin and I were married, I had incredible discipline. When I was 19, I worked double shifts as a waitress to get Kevin through college. After he graduated college we moved often for his career so I was always changing colleges (trying to complete my degree), making new friends, volunteering in new places, getting new jobs, setting up new households. I enjoyed it and I was pretty good at it.
Then I injured my back (twice) and gained a lot of weight (for the first time in my life I was fat) and it seemed like my self-discipline and self-confidence went out the window. I went from a person who could do anything to one who couldn’t do anything. I went from a person who didn’t let anything stop her to a person who stopped at the tiniest of hurdles. I could no longer depend on myself. That was a scary feeling.
I Can Accomplish Anything
By sticking with your plan for 3 months and during that time working through the issues that came up , I realized I could once again depend on myself to accomplish what I set out to do.
Here Is What DR. Mary Desaulniers Had To Say:
“For those of you who are really determined to create the body you want with your Own Online Private Personal Trainer, then order this ebook FAT to FIT (instant download).
Here are 4 reasons why you need to get this book:
- You get a detailed 3 Level Training Program.
- You get Your Own Personal Trainer (Ray Burton) who will answer your questions by email.
- There is no need for you to book appointments with a personal trainer. You have all you need when you go to your gym at your convenience.
- No weekly, monthly or per session charges.
- I have been using Ray’s Program which I have found to be convenient and effective.
I go to my gym for the workouts, but I don’t have to book special appointments with my personal trainer. I do the weights 3 times a week, cardio 5 times a week at my convenience, not someone else’s. As well, I email Ray with questions and he always responds promptly with suggestions.
That’s what I love about the FAT to FIT ebook—it’s portable, convenient, affordable!
This is what Ray’s Personal Training Program (easy to duplicate in any gym with dumbbells and weights or simply bodyweight) can do for you:
In two months Nikki (a client), has gone from 151 pounds to 146.6 pounds. She has lost 7.8% body fat and gained 8.55 pounds of lean feminine muscle.
What does this mean for her figure? 2.25 inches off her waist, 1/2 inch off her thighs and 1.5 inches off her hips! Oh and that
bit on the back of the arms…lost half inch there too!”DR. Mary Desaulniers
My Journey From Fat To Fit
I learned that I didn’t need to do long, slow boring cardio and started buring more fat in less time than ever before. The best part was I could do it at home if I wanted in 45 minutes or less
Here I am in phase two of the weight loss program.
Why is it that most diet and exercise programs out there give you complicated and conflicting information?
The Fat To Fit Program is simple and straight forward..connect the dots style. You can even go to the support forum and talk to other members of the FAT TO FIT community.
Positive results really make you want to stick to the program! Success leads to success. As I saw my first results in the mirror, on the scale and in how my clothes fit, I started getting excited about how I was feeling. When you feel it, you want more!
Everyone Feels Comfortable At A Certain Weight And Shape.
I help you get to whatever that image of your ideal self is.
We all have the ability achieve our dreams. You just need a little help, and I’d like to be the one to give it to you. Nothing is missing from this program. I’ve spent a lot of time making sure it would accomplish what I promise.
A quick, easy and safe method of losing weight and getting in terrific shape.
I started with myself.
Yup, thats me. I achieved my dream and won my weight class. There really are no limits to what you can do.
I was overweight but I always wanted to do a bodybuilding contest. Sounds like a pipe dream I know. The thing is, I had a goal that I wanted to happen and that’s the way all great accomplishments happen. They start with the desire to change into something better. So I started the program.
“I’m very impressed by your straight forwardness in the program. Finally, someone who tells it like it is. Thank you for not sugar-coating everything. Your written words hit home and they are so very true. To each and everyone of us, myself included, who have come up with an excuse or two, as to why we “can’t” do it, may I suggest that you do the program and get your ass in gear.
Sincerely, V”
Hello Ray:
Wanted to share some news with you.Felt almost “amazing” the last two days! On Tuesday morning felt rested when I awoke, easily slipped into a skirt, at lunch had a steak sandwich which did not put me to sleep AND then took my little one for a walk to the park later in the evening. Many “firsts” in 1 day!!
I have known for a long time that making it through the day shouldn’t be near as hard as it has been. A big thanks for your effort and encouragement which even in such early stages is so positively affecting my daily experience.
Bo, Alberta
Hey Ray,
I wanted to thank you for the great program. I accomplished all that I had hoped to – lost about 6 pounds and toned up. Which made me feel great.Charmalea DeBlock
Hey Ray, just wanted to send you a short e-mail letting you know how appreciative
I am of your fitness information.I especially enjoy the nutritional guides. There are so many lies on nutrition on the internet, and so it feels good to get reliable information from a trusted source.
Paul Valiulis
I’ve been very motivated after reading your book, and I’ve been hitting the gym more regularly as a result.
Take care,
Just wanted to say I enjoy your personal trainer news letters very much.I downloaded your Fat To Fit Book several months ago and started to use it as the basis for my workouts and eating.
I’ve done body for life several times and had good success but wanted something more to try. It’s been 5 weeks now and I am building the body that I was hoping for. I am back on track with my workouts and feel great! Thanks for the great book.
Tim Spurrell
Calgary Alberta
“Ray, your book is awesome. You left nothing to the imagination.”
Private Capobianco,PPCLI Regiment,Canada
Hi Ray,
I appreciate you putting the time into creating this fitness schedule.
My back has been improving since I have been going to a chiropractor. And the schedule you designed is excellent.
Thanks again
Kyra, Calgary Alberta
Dear Ray,
I would just like to say thank you for such a fantastic website. I am from South Australia in and I am desperate to lose weight.
I have gym membership, but always feel very uncomfortable at the gym. However I have printed off lots of information from your website and I am putting it into practice. I feel motivated today and I just wanted to say thank you for that.
Sally In Australia
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Today, as you know, I was an emotional wreck……I sincerely appreciated your empathic approach. I think one of the most important things we talked about was DISCIPLINE. For some reason, I think I really needed someone to say to me “Discipline is crucial to your success.” You know how sometimes things just ‘click’??? Well that word “clicked” in my head. I think I have been struggling with being “disciplined”
with myself for a long time. By sharing your story about the sumo wrestler, I now understand the importance of discipline. I hope I can be more disciplined from this point forward. I’m not exactly sure why I struggle with being disciplined with myself, but I hope that through thoughtful meditation soul searching an answer will become apparent.You are such an important force in my life right now and I’m grateful that you are willing to have me as a client. Strangely, I feel like you are somewhat of a “Socrates” for me (i.e. Peaceful Warrior). Your guidance is superb, but I also know that I am ultimately responsible for my journey. Thank you for being on this journey with me. Despite the fact that my journey sometimes feels more like a wicked roller coaster ride, I feel truly blessed that you’re
willing to help me understand that it is just a journey and it’s happening this way because it is meant to, and that I have chosen this path.Thank you, thank you, thank you.
C U Wednesday
Calgary Personal Training Client
Hey Ray Just wanted to drop you a note to say thank you again for all of your help and motivation on my road to becoming fit.
You are always very willing to offer advice and help with any workout or diet needs and I want you to know that I appreciate it. I hadn’t been at Commando Cardio class for a while due to other things and being there yesterday reminded me of how much of a difference it makes in my attitude toward fitness for the rest of the week. (And the pain in my legs and shoulders are reminding me that I can’t skip!)
Thank you again for your continued effort to bring fitness to the rest of
I just wanted to tell you how much i have enjoyed reading your articles and how helpful many have been.
I am 32 a mother of three, who like many mums put aside her well being and those couple of hours a day that could be hers aside while i delt with being a mum and wife. i used to be very fit about 6 years ago and now that my little ones is going to preschool i have joined the gym. A little cardio and weights.
Today i challenged myself and took a step class( i used to be addicted to step before i got addicted to the house : ) ) wow i felt so good especially since i was able to do as the advanced women did…
so thanks for sharing your input on the web, keep up the good work.
Dina from the middle east
Good Morning,
Just wanted to say thank you for getting me through the 11:30am workout yesterday.
Obviously I was not in the greatest of attitude due to work. well, the real “light bulb” moment was the last thing you said “regardless of what happened before you got here, your day has already improved with the good workout you just had”.
So, I carried that into the meeting in the afternoon and dealt with the blow by blow in a very constructive way. I came out ahead so the day obviously continued to improve.
Name Witheld
Hi Ray,
I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you again for helping me with my
personal training studies by completing my little interview.It is refreshing to find someone who will take a few minutes of their time
to help.All the best for the holiday season, good luck in 2005.
Bob Cater, Certified Personal Trainer
“I Just Wanted To Thank You.”
Been very proud of two of my Calgary clients, Ross Screaton and Don Furuness.
Ross has dropped 29 pounds down from 388 and made a 6% reduction in bodyfat
while adding 5 pounds of muscle! GREAT JOB!Don has gone from 177 to 181 pounds while dropping 6% bodyfat! This leaves
him with 12 new pounds of body changing muscle. ANOTHER WELL DONE!Its important to note that these guys only spend three hours a week in the
gym….results don’t take long!
An update on Ross:
Ross is down from 388 when we started at World Health Club Calgary to 329 pounds
Got a call from Ross, we haven’t trained together in a while and he has been
able to keep himself motivated and training hard. Ross is now below
300 pounds, and he has done it all by himself. Great job Ross!
Hi Ray, My name is M.J. and I have been a gym member for 14 years. My workouts
include all classes in the Aerobics studios, by many instructors that have
come and gone—Lots of fun though!! And I do weights–not too serious, just
toning along with Body Pump Classes.Anyway, holy cow, I really love your website, talking about covering a broad
spectrum!! I was recently at your Commando Cardio class and I absolutely loved
it.Thanks so much, see you tomorrow for your “kick Ass” Commando Cardio!
Ray, I would say your commando cardio class is fun but very intense…a great
over all workout…just like I imagine “boot camp” might be.Thanks
Manny, Elements Salon and Day Spa, Calgary
Ray, I think your “COMMANDO CARDIO” class is awesome. Every week, I look
forward to it because it keeps me motivated to continue working out. I see
and feel results. You manage to push us to pretty high levels without making
us want to give up because “its too hard” or for other lame excuses why people
tend to quit. Thanks for all your support and encouragement throughout the
class. See you at the gym,Jessica Parks
Hi Ray
You know me – This is Mark – I am deaf that I go to your commando classes Mondays and Thursdays. I thanked Gina for taking me to your class. It was very tough first class but, I knew I will keep myself push to develop into a great shape. I am very pleased with myself and enjoy workin out in your classes. It is very hard but, I push myself harder though.
Mark, Calgary Alberta