Boosting Twitter Engagement Is Easy Now

I used to think tweeting 10 times a day was enough to boost twitter engagement.

It’s not

Here’s what I unlocked about Twitter engagement instead
increasing twitter engagement is easy

Why do I care about Twitter engagement? My engagement shows how valuable my Twitter is.

When no one pays attention to what I tweet, I know:

    1. My voice isn’t getting heard.
    2. What I’m saying doesn’t matter to my followers.

I have 5000 followers. But whenever I post a new tweet, I only get about 10 likes and less than 3 retweets.

This means a lot of people don’t see my content.

Now, imagine if my Twitter page has 400 followers, but each of my tweets gets more than 30 likes and 10 retweets. Even with fewer followers, I’m doing well marketing-wise. So engagement is a big deal

Luckily, boosting my Twitter engagement is easy now that I know how.

Here’s the easy tweaks to boost Twitter engagement in the next 30 days

Ask questions to boost Twitter engagement.

I’m asking more questions to my followers. When people answer my questions, I get a lot of engagement from the replies. This can spark other discussions as well.

Asking questions helps me understand my target audience and builds conversations and familiarity.

It’s time to post more videos to boost your Twitter engagement.

Video posts are retweeted 6x more than text posts. If I want to jack up my Twitter engagement, there is massive potential in using video posts.

It’s not only about engagement but authenticity. Seeing a person talk on video changes how I feel about them. I care more.

Just hit record and go. I’ll wear my hoodie and flip-flops if that’s what it takes. I build a better relationship with my followers using video content.

Plus, my videos have a longer engagement time than text tweets.

Images boost your Twitter engagement.

Another great hack to get more Twitter engagement is to tweet images.

Tweets with images get 35% more engagement. Instead of a wall of text tweets, I can be more interesting and throw in some images.

I enjoy seeing the scenery in different parts of the world when my followers tweet their own pictures.

Retweet to increase your Twitter engagement.

I should retweet anything aligned with what I do and that will help, or entertain my followers.

These retweets also show that I’ll share other people’s content if it’s relevant. So, these people are now more likely to retweet my posts in return.

Most importantly, it will show valuable content to my followers. And valuable content is what spreads fast. People value my Twitter account more if I regularly retweet cool and useful stuff.

Increase your followers engagement to increase your own engagement.

Everyone says to tweet 3-6 times a day to increase engagement.

I disagree.

Unless you’re a huge account, no one sees those tweets. Do it if you have time, or want more practice. Not for Twitter follower and engagement gains.

I’m a small account. All I need is 2-3 tweets a day at the times when my followers are active. After looking at my Tweethunter statistics, this is my secret sauce:

Tweet at 4-6AM
Tweet at 4-6PM
Throw one in the middle if you want
Do auto-retweet to hit other time zones that missed the first send out.

The rest of the time, I spend increasing my followers engagement by commenting on their tweets and threads.

And that’s as simple as it gets to increase your twitter engagement.

It’s better to spend your time building friendships and commenting on other peoples tweets before you worry about increasing engagement on your own tweets.

But once you get some people visiting your timeline, put in those images and videos, and ask questions.

It’ll help.


