Extreme Dieting And Training For Weight Loss: Big Mistake!

Why You Need To Slow Bake Your Cookies…

There is no single best way to get in shape; it is always a combined effort using a couple different systems of the body. This means that in order to burn fat fast but to do it safely, we have to eat right, do some aerobic exercise as well as resistance training.

From years of personal training I can tell you with certainty that if one of these three components is missing, your fat burning efforts will be slow to non-existent.

Now I have seen people try to get in shape and lose weight fast only using extreme dieting, however this weight comes back quickly and usually with a few extra pounds to make for a comfortable stay. Not only is this not the best way or even the fastest way for weight loss but also it is very unsafe. The systems of the body do not like to lose weight in this fashion and will rebel.

So how does one go about burning fat as quick as possible using the mentioned methods?

Let’s talk about eating right for maximum fat burning first. Despite popular opinion, I don’t feel frequency of feeding matters that much. Quality is more important. The more processed it is, the worse it is. If you eat healthy whole foods you will get all the fat, carbohydrates as well as protein you need.

Another of the best things you can do to burn off fat quickly is incorporate aerobic exercise into your schedule. That, or train quickly so your resistance training is also cardio. Any activity that gets you breathing harder than normal for a duration of 30 minutes to an hour is cardio.

Separate aerobic activity allows you to burn more overall calories than you can with only resistance training. The reason is because you can resistance train every day without risking burnout, but you still need to be moving to burn calories. That’s where the cardio comes in. It’s not so stressful but still put a draw on your caloric requirements for the day.

So along with your aerobic exercise like walking or jogging you are going to do some resistance training. This does not have to be complicated. A workout program only has to put a little more stress than usual on your muscles to be effective. This could be as simple as doing some Bodyweight Squats, Pushups on your knees, Sit-ups or crunches and Calf Raises on some stairs.

Here is a quick recap of what I said above. Eat healthy unprocessed foods. Do some resistance training. Get some low intensity cardio in on your off training days. Do those steps for a couple months and you’ll be far ahead of the gimmick followers.

The Big Trick Is Moderation

Think about the number of times you have started off with both guns blazing and then ran out of ammunition. I know the answer, I do this for a living. What happens is that most people figure they are going to lose 30 pounds in 30 days and they are going to kick butt to do it. So they start off all fired up, get real sore, their immune system crashes, they get sick and then they give up. Wow, that was like I had a camera following you, scary. It’s just that it happens to a lot of people.

So how do you avoid revving the engine and running out of gas? You avoid rapid starts and stops. Ease onto the gas, and maintain steady pressure. You only need to do resistance training a couple of times a week along with 3–4 cardio sessions to realize your physical goals. It doesn’t matter if its weight loss or muscle gain, the principles still apply. Don’t rush the cookies! You can’t crank the stove to 600 degrees and get home made cookies in 3 minutes. They will burn. You’ll burn out too if you rush your way to achieving your goals.

Here is the recap to success for changing your body. Get the information you need to achieve your desired goal that you have picked out. Make a plan with success markers along the way. Believe every step of the way that you are going to get the reflection in the mirror that you’ve been dreaming about. Do the steps even if you’re not in the mood.

Never let anyone shake your confidence with bogus advice and remember to slow bake your cookies!





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