The Fastest Way To Build Muscle Without Steroids

Yes, you can build muscle without steroids and supplements and I’m going to show you the fastest way right now.

First, let’s talk about…

The #1 mistake bodybuilders make with their training that’s not obvious.

The biggest muscle-building mistake I see over and over is following workout routines found in magazines.

They give you too much volume too soon and don’t emphasize the importance of strength gains for muscle gains.

Let’s fix that right now.

A simple 4-step formula you can copy to build muscle and get on the gain train.

We have to nail down four things in our training to build muscle quickly. We’ll cover only training and not nutrition here.

The four things we need to know are:

  1. How Many Sets Needed To Build Muscle
  2. The Best Rep Range For Building Muscle
  3. How Frequently To Train A Muscle Group
  4. How Long To Rest Between Sets For Building Muscle

Lets go.

How Many Sets You Need To Build Muscle Without Steroids

You get the biggest bang for your buck from the very first set. Now you can do the second set, but the amount of change you cause from the second set is less than the first set, and then by the third set, anything past that starts to become less and less and less.

It’s almost not worth your time and just goes into your recovery abilities. So most of the bang will come from your first one and two sets. Safely, three sets if you’re going to failure.

Now, this is different than if you’re doing the 5 x 5 sets because 5 x 5 relies a little bit more on a volume approach as opposed to the failure approach, but both work very, very well. If you’re training to the point of momentary muscular failure, then two sets or three sets works excellently.

The Best Rep Range For Building Muscle

Rep ranges like 5 x 5, are about as low as I would. Unless you’re doing a massive amount of sets. A huge amount of sets with low rep ranges would be ten sets of three. You’re mostly training your strength with that rep range, but the volume makes for size increases too.

5 sets of 5 reps is a proven mass-gaining routine that’s more centered on strength. 4 sets of 6 to 8 repetitions just shy of failure, is a very trusted rep scheme, and so is three sets of 8-10. You’ll notice that all these finish with about 20-25 reps done, which is a good time under tension for muscle growth.

Anywhere in that 20-25 rep range done in whatever combination of sets and reps you like works well. The low, low reps go more after the strength, whereas the high reps 8-10 are more for the building of muscle tissue.

How Frequently To Train A Muscle Group

Three days a week on a full body routine; Monday/Wednesday/Friday is great. It doesn’t matter as long as they’re non-consecutive days. Give yourself 24 to 48 hours between body parts when training to failure.

There are arguments for much longer periods between training sessions. You’re fine if you are recovering and getting stronger at your next session. The muscle will come.

How Long To Rest Between Sets For Building Muscle?

A minute to two minutes is great unless you’re starting to go for conditioning or maximum strength. We’re trying to gain muscle quickly, so a minute to two minutes rest works. That way, our strength can recover almost fully, and then we can apply all we have to the next set. This will stimulate growth as much as possible while still maintaining some fatigue to induce cell volumization.

And there you go. Thats the 4 things you have to nail down in your training to build muscle quickly. Follow those guidelines, get progressively stronger, feed yourself right, and the muscle gains will come.

If you’re the kind of guy that wants to get strong, build muscle without steroids AND be flexible, like… do a one-arm-chinup AND the splits, then check out this KickAss newsletter.

