How To Know If You Have Adult ADHD: Diagnosed At 48

Four months ago, I booked with the Doctor to find out if I have adult ADHD and now that four months is up. Here’s how I’m moving forward…

For 48 years I looked for an explanation why the world seems to tick differently than I do. And now I’d find out if ADHD might be the reason why.

You’re probably feeling the same way.
Maybe you’re going through the same sort of mucky abyss.

My wife asked me to get tested. I thought she was nuts.

But then I paused for thought.

I realized that I am generally an unhappy person. Well, maybe it’s more that I seem less happy than everyone else. Other people seem to chug along and laugh at things.

I’m stuck in this grey area of going from priority to priority, getting annoyed with distractions from the world, and sneaking naps in between.

I want to be alone most of the time and only feel happy when I’m making progress on something. The irony is that I hardly stick with anything long enough to get good at it.

Smart with unrealized potential.

Do you feel like you should be doing better in life than you are? Like you’re putting in more work than others but not getting your due?

Right now, I’m writing a book on how to worry less. I’ve researched the hell out of it, and it’s been helpful for me to stop being so hypervigilant and anxious all the time. Yet, I woke up yesterday and thought, “What’s the point?”

I’m also writing a book on Persistence, but I’m also writing a book on “How To Build Muscle.”

Always making bread and never eating it.

See how this works? Everything is 90% done.
Sometimes I feel bad for my wife. She’s always happy, and I feel like the grumpy old man who brings her down.

This means that I prefer to be alone most of the time because then there are no expectations about my mood. I can sit by myself and settle into my personal rainstorm.

Another thing being pre-diagnosis ADHD is what if I don’t have it? Then I’m just an unhappy guy. End of story. No reason.

It also means that everything I never stuck with was just me being unfocused and lazy in doing the work.

I’d like to hear from you and your experience.

I usually like to write to give answers, but today, I find myself with questions.

As a writer, I like to present myself as someone with solutions, but the world is full of gurus right now.

Everyone seems to be an expert, and I find myself longing for honesty. I want to see someone who has had problems and is honest about them.

I want to see if they are stuck, and we can relate. I want to see if they have found some things that have helped them out.

I’m putting this article out there at my bottom.
It’s my bottom as a writer and someone who should be happy but is unsatisfied.

Yesterday, I realized I love truth. I love the honest laugh, the genuine love, the perfect notes in a song, and the tears shed unabashedly in pure feeling to the sweetness or depravity of humanity.

Today, I give you my truth, such that it may be.

While I sit here looking at my prescription for adult ADHD.

Apparently now I’m part of the cool kids club.

Now where do we go from here?

That’s what I aim to do on this section of the website for adult ADHD. I’ll list everything I’m doing with adult ADHD to improve upon myself and maybe…just maybe, use adult ADHD to my advantage.



