Category: Confidence
The Dead Simple 4-Step Fix For My Chronic History Of Failure
Is There Such A Thing As A Born Loser? Those cheesy signs that say “Believe” are right. It doesn’t matter if we are to-do list makers, or Law Of Attraction partakers. A 20-year study in self-efficacy shows us that the foundation of success that trumps all others, starts even before you make an action plan.
Self-Reliance Is The Master Key To Building Confidence
Self-reliance is the key to building confidence because if you always need others opinions or help to make decisions, you are never in charge of yourself. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Carry yourself in the presence of all opposition as if every thing were temporary and of no importance but that which you hold true.” In…
Go Mission First For Unstoppable Confidence
Establishing your goals is the first step to putting your mission first and developing unstoppable confidence. Nobody looks or feels confident when they don’t know where they are going. This is why you need a destination, a goal, a mission. If you don’t know what that is, it’s ok. You can start where you are…