Category: Goal-Setting
The Biggest Mistake Unconfident People Make
On walking the path of self-mastery and success… A lack of direction is death to confidence. Again, we return to commitment and consistency in walking the path of self-mastery and success. The quickest route to failed confidence is to avoid struggle, work, and effort. When we know something needs doing, we go all in. One…
Your IQ Doesn’t Matter But This Does
The largest predictors of success that we have control over are: Focus on the task at hand Long-term focus (commitment) Concentration Focused attention, persistence, and concentrated effort are the master keys. These abilities are more important than IQ or the socio-economic status of the family we grew up in for determining career success, financial success,…
The 2 Step Goal-Setting Crash Course That Destroys Confusion
This goal-setting crash course contains the essential points required to set achievable goals that build confidence. What follows is the 2-point framework, then how to implement the plan. Become clear about what it is you want. Discipline yourself to do more things that move you toward this goal.
Go Mission First For Unstoppable Confidence
Establishing your goals is the first step to putting your mission first and developing unstoppable confidence. Nobody looks or feels confident when they don’t know where they are going. This is why you need a destination, a goal, a mission. If you don’t know what that is, it’s ok. You can start where you are…