On walking the path of self-mastery and success…
A lack of direction is death to confidence. Again, we return to commitment and consistency in walking the path of self-mastery and success.
The quickest route to failed confidence is to avoid struggle, work, and effort. When we know something needs doing, we go all in. One thing at a time until completion.
We empty the dishwasher, do our laundry, mow the lawn, and work out. Any tasks undone only dilute our senses and pollute our thoughts until we take care of them.
We make our default mode to do one thing at a time until we are done. We focus our minds on that one task until it is complete. Then check it off and hit the next thing. One till done.
Division Kills Confidence
We know weakness thrives on divided power, attention, intellect, and physical energy. Hit it like a laser. The weakest ability, when focused, is stronger than dissipated strength or genius.
Once complete, our minds are free to work our missions.
We don’t need to be gifted; we need to be committed.
Placing our confidence in ordinary ability and massive action, we go all in on one thing at a time until complete. Through great effort, things thought impossible by some become possible for us.
Expect success as if it were the rising of the sun. Expectation is a catalyst for igniting dreams into reality because positive expectations create action.
Hope and expectation drive us forward, but fear of failure leads to anxiety. Ergo, we focus on showing up and doing the work, then iterating instead of demanding perfection.
These actions give results on which we can base future actions.
Over time we develop our process and efficiency by living a life we create moment by moment.
Adapt And Overcome
All we require is a skill and to do something with it. We take our lumps or rewards and move forward. Being decisive and taking action on a plan will seldom steer us wrong.
Confidence expects positive results until proven otherwise. Anxious indecision sees potential failure as a waste of time. So it acts on nothing and, in turn, gains nothing.
We develop the habit of being strong-willed by being slow to change our minds and course once a decision is carefully made. This cures a host of worries, anxieties, and mental ails. We become solid and stable. At peace instead of blown about by every wind of fancy.
The confident soul has determination, commitment, and consistency to an unwavering aim. We have a mission that grounds us when the air of uncertainty tosses us to and fro.
Terror fills the souls of those with no home to fence their thoughts as they succumb daily to the little death of sleep after work.
In Conclusion
The biggest mistake unconfident people make is lacking a mission and committing to it once found. Confidence grows through determination, commitment, and consistency. These traits accomplish all, and we waste other talents, circumstances, and opportunities without them.
Before You Go
These are the previous 3 articles leading to this one: