Category: Happiness
My Favourite Uplifting Song Was Sung By A Bunny
Quite a few years ago, I was working up north on the oil rigs as an electrician. I was living in the camp, and I wasn’t having a very good time. We were working two weeks on and one week off, and I craved Freedom but felt like a prisoner. I know some people love…
7 Days To Live
But I don’t want you to be sad. I only have 7 days to live. But I don’t want you to be sad. I remember struggling to pull myself forward each and every day. I hid from things that threatened me and kept to myself. But one day, darkness consumed me. And I stayed stuck.…
Happy Life Guide
After reading “The Courage to Be Disliked” I felt like I’d discovered a personal guide on how to be happy… no matter what I’ve gone through before. It’s as if I’ve been handed the secret to not sweating over whether people like me or not… Because, in the end, I realized happiness is something I…