Consistency Is Key

consistency is key
Consistency Is THE Key

Today I’m working on the topic of consistency for the new book.

And while going over this, I think the saying should be, “Consistency is THE key.”

I’m 45 now and only last month did the importance of consistency impact me. I don’t know if things just used to come too easy or what. But last month I applied myself daily to something that has been a block for over 2 years. And in 30 days of consistency…. a big change.

Often the biggest obstacle when it comes to consistency is DOUBT. Is what you are doing going to work? The FEAR that you will invest the time and get nothing in return.

Here’s the cool part though. Often people say, “Do what you love and the money will follow.”

There’s cool stuff hidden in that saying.

What happens is when you do something you enjoy for the sake of doing it and not just the outcome, you stick with it for a while. That FEAR and DOUBT of not arriving at the outcome is a moot point. You’re doing it simply to do it. So you do more of it because you like it. And you stick with it… and you end up with a good outcome.

Kind of like a cosmic joke.

The person that frantically looks for the “FIX,” so they can get on with others things never finds the solutions.

They try the hardest and get the least results.

Now sometimes something DOES just need to get fixed. Like an injury. What do you apply yourself diligently to in order to fix this problem. How do you know what to stick to?


Find a coach with a great track record dealing with the obstacle you are dealing with. Pay them and follow their advice.

You can pay for a book by them or their time on the phone or in person.

You just have to trust them. If you trust their capabilities, then all you have to do is show up and do the work.

And that’s what I’ve been working on today.






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