Give It Time And Don’t Quit

There are Always A Few Bumps On The Road

On November 20 2021 I came to a startling realization after reading this quote by Brian Tracy.

“In all great successes, we can trace the power of concentration, riveting every faculty upon one unwavering aim; perseverance in the pursuit of an undertaking in spite of every difficulty; and courage which enables one to bear up under all trials, disappointments, and temptations.”

When I read that quote, I realized that consistency, focus, concentration, habits, mastery, and competence… are the paths to success in almost every area.

Reading this came just after I finished 60 days of daily targeted practice of stretching so I could squat again after injury. And where after seven weeks of practicing the core fundamentals of pose running, I could jog again.

I dropped most of my other training to focus all my energy and time on this because regaining my mobility and quality of life was very important to me. And I, by nature, have very poor commitment, consistency, and persistence to a single path.

I tend to chase shiny objects.

Generally, I have a commitment to the goal, and the outcome, but lack attention and perseverance in sticking to a single approach to attaining the goal.

This was a handicap on my levels of achievement.

The person who scatters themselves upon many objects soon loses their energy and with their energy their enthusiasm.

So now I form a plan; have an outcome in mind; then work towards the bull’s eye, learn all I can about it, and I will be much more likely to succeed.

Wasting Focus On The Wrong Thing

Worried about committing to something, then finding out it’s not your thing and you don’t like it? Don’t be. Hammer at it for a year, and if you decide this isn’t what you wanted, ditch it. You’ll know after a year if you have a passion for it once you’ve whacked through the beginner weeds and got a little flow going.

Unsure if a certain strategy leads to the desired outcome? This has been huge for me. I now have a 60-day rule. If I apply a method for 60 days to a desired outcome, I should see tangible results toward the target. If not, I look elsewhere.

I hope this helps a little if you’ve found your focus, commitment, and consistency lacking while on the path to your life goals.

Before You Go

Here are the previous articles leading to this one:

3 Ways Improving Focus Leads To Success
Stop Deciding What To Do On How You Feel.

Thank you for reading. When my book is finished, I will email those on my email list here:


