Tag: stronger than chaos
Give It Time And Don’t Quit
There are Always A Few Bumps On The Road On November 20 2021 I came to a startling realization after reading this quote by Brian Tracy. “In all great successes, we can trace the power of concentration, riveting every faculty upon one unwavering aim; perseverance in the pursuit of an undertaking in spite of every…
3 Ways Improving Focus Leads To Success
From a guy who never stuck with anything. A few correct simple actions, done well, will account for most of our success in life. As someone in the process of ADHD testing, I’ve had my fair share of inconsistent effort and lack of focus. I can vouch for how chasing shiny objects leads to a…
How I Left Fear And Anxiety Behind
Fear Is The Difference Between Anxiety And Excitement Transforming our negative emotions into positive ones by mentally shifting our perspective greatly enhances our quality of life and chances of success. It involves a shift from hoping for ease to developing strength that can handle life as it happens. Anxiety is where hope and fear “coexist.”…
The Biggest Mistake Unconfident People Make
On walking the path of self-mastery and success… A lack of direction is death to confidence. Again, we return to commitment and consistency in walking the path of self-mastery and success. The quickest route to failed confidence is to avoid struggle, work, and effort. When we know something needs doing, we go all in. One…
Your IQ Doesn’t Matter But This Does
The largest predictors of success that we have control over are: Focus on the task at hand Long-term focus (commitment) Concentration Focused attention, persistence, and concentrated effort are the master keys. These abilities are more important than IQ or the socio-economic status of the family we grew up in for determining career success, financial success,…
The Cure To Chaos Inside
The outside world can burn, but inside we cultivate a garden. Commitment is being dedicated until the ultimate outcome. Consistency is our set of habits and plans that will get us there. Consistency is only as good as the iteration it conjures. We need commitment in two batches. One batch to the outcome. The other…