I was on X yesterday reading my buddy Josh’s post @joshstrength and I read something that I thought you’d find useful if you still deadlift.
Deadlifting is great and if there is one barbell move I would keep in my training while doing bodyweight training, it would be the deadlift.
The only thing I caution against is not doing enough abdominal and spinal flexion (rounding forward) training while doing the deadlift.
I feel strongly that if you spend years locked in extension to get a big deadlift without working the opposing muscles groups… bad things happen.
Sure, you’re deadlift will skyrocket but you risk being as fluid and mobile as a block of concrete.
Great for the gym, not so great for every day activities, sports and working manual labour.
We need a wide variety of movements and they can’t all be in the gym.
Anyway, the trick he was talking about to find the ultimate deadlift stance was a depth drop.
Basically get on a bench/step or whatever elevated surface you can find and jump off.
Where your feet end up on the landing is where you should place your feet when you deadlift.
I know Dan John would argue that this is your natural squat stance too.
Dan says to jump in place 3 times and where your feet land is your stance.
Some people would disagree with that but it’s probably because they squat wide for leverage factors or poor mobility.
You can see the theme. Your body knows where it wants to be for max power and stability.
Anyway, that’s a quick tip for today to set your deadlift up quick and easy.
If you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer and if it’s beyond my level of powerlifting knowledge then I’ll defer to Josh who coaches more in that area.
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