The outside world can burn, but inside we cultivate a garden.
Commitment is being dedicated until the ultimate outcome. Consistency is our set of habits and plans that will get us there.
Consistency is only as good as the iteration it conjures.
We need commitment in two batches. One batch to the outcome. The other batch is our promise to work on the thing every single day.
In our multidimensional world, we have unlimited possibilities for movement and thought. To make something specific happen, we must make decisions.
Out of all the infinite possibilities, we must commit to very few. We must commit to actions, thoughts, and goals. Otherwise, we are dissipated and ineffective.
When we decide upon a recipe to eat and off to the kitchen with a pantry full of ingredients. We must be specific in picking out what to use in the recipe. Else we fail in the goal.
Once we pick those ingredients, we can’t switch to another recipe. Not if we expect supper at a certain time.
As such, we develop the quality of deciding and then not quitting. We cultivate resolute determination to find the recipe that works or create from scratch the method of getting what we want.
We also know that this falls on our shoulders because sometimes, most times, no one is coming to help. We rely on and find our own strength to carry on.
Physical and mental energy fade. But a deep resolute determination, a conviction in what we believe, is the ember that keeps our fire alive. Daily action and habits are the continual fuel.
Sometimes we doubt our ability to succeed. That this outcome is not in our wheelhouse or that we lack talent. This doesn’t matter. We must be unstoppable in our pursuit of what we want.
Many natural athletes, musicians, and geniuses stop when bored or tired. Then they fade into the abyss. But we put in the time and effort over and over. Because the hard worker that perseveres through fatigue, boredom, and obstacles often gets the prize. Of course, talent plus hard work is the ultimate combo.
In the end, we decide on always doing the right thing. When making a decision between this or that, we choose action towards our destination. No matter how small the action, every time.
We know the day we turn the switch off, our dreams become further away, and time is not unlimited. We have an end to our days.
Outcomes do not affect our decision to take action. Good or bad, we do the right thing. We base our pleasure, self-confidence, and satisfaction on whether we take action. No matter how small. We ask, when given the choice, did I choose my dreams or comfort and inaction? Did we captain ourselves? Lead ourselves? Did we continue to TRY?
Commitment is a touchstone for confidence. We realize who we are and what we are doing. This eliminates guessing, anxiety, worry, aimlessness and subtlety. We can only be self-reliant when we can do things for ourselves. And we gain nothing without consistent effort.
Get consistency set in place. Decide and set up habits because mind, body, desires, and willpower are all subject to fatigue. Daily habits accumulate into outcomes. No matter how fractional the result of these actions.
We have dreams. We can’t wait for the opportunity or the right moment when things may be easier. We must persevere through the hard stuff now, and take action no matter how we feel.
Once we know what it is we are striving for, we expect hard work and obstacles. We know that the ability to work through the hard stuff is the gatekeeper to the best of things.
Instead of shirking the opposition and seeking comfort, we face it. We even mock it and laugh at a well-known adversary.
We are not slaves to fate.
We expect obstacles. They arrive and we greet them merrily as a friend invited to a game.
Nothing happens until we put out a labor of our mind and body. That’s the only way something will get done and the rewards received.
We can wander for many years, waiting for opportunity to show itself. We want to seize opportunity as though it were a shortcut. We want the prize easily, when the real prize is what we become through the work and effort.
We learn our ability to accomplish goals and reap confidence.
Using grit, resolve, perseverance, and persistence, we grind, adapt, and pivot, but never give up. Not until success, which may present itself at some point. But alas, we will only need another prize to engage our being.
We do these things because consciousness needs a focus. Else is entropy and chaos inside. The outside world can burn, but inside we cultivate a garden.
Our foundation is commitment, consistency and focused consciousness. On this rock, we gain success in the outer world and mastery of ourselves.
Thank you for reading. When my book is finished, I will email those on my email list here: