Writing Portfolio

  • My High Rep Calisthenics Workout Results – Mass And Strength

    Feeling beat up from heavy lifting routines yet still looking for a new way to build muscle and strength? Then enter the world of high rep calisthenics my friend. It’ll challenge everything you thought you knew about resistance training. Because, yes, you can build mass, enhance endurance, and increase strength, all without needing heavy weights.…

  • How To Know If You Have Adult ADHD: Diagnosed At 48

    Four months ago, I booked with the Doctor to find out if I have adult ADHD and now that four months is up. Here’s how I’m moving forward… For 48 years I looked for an explanation why the world seems to tick differently than I do. And now I’d find out if ADHD might be…

  • 7 Days To Live

    But I don’t want you to be sad. I only have 7 days to live. But I don’t want you to be sad. I remember struggling to pull myself forward each and every day. I hid from things that threatened me and kept to myself. But one day, darkness consumed me. And I stayed stuck.…

  • ADHD and Codependency: What I Learned

    Here’s what I’ve learned about the link between ADHD and codependency. It’s the first step toward healthier and more fulfilling relationships. Living with adult ADHD can bring unique challenges in relationships, particularly when it comes to codependency. Many adults with ADHD often find themselves in codependent relationships, where their self-worth is tied to meeting the…

  • How to Make Money From Medium

    When I started writing on Medium in December of 2023 I had no idea how to make money from Medium. I used to believe that making real money from Medium was reserved for the writing elite – those with significant followers or insider knowledge on how the system works. I doubted that someone like me,…

  • How To Get More Readers On Medium

    I was doing Medium wrong. Do this instead to grow your readers… Before I changed this one thing about how I engaged with my Medium readers, my growth stalled.  Zero. But since I started doing this, both my readers and earnings have doubled for each article I write. What did I change, and how did I…

  • Why You Need The Pistol Squat

    Learning to move pain-free Last week at Disney, I watched a lot of people in pain and using motorized scooters. Now let’s imagine you go to Disney because you have lots of money. You’ve worked long and hard to make money so you can afford cool things and trips. But you limp around in pain…

  • An Example Of PNF Stretching Using The Asian Squat

    Writing this quick today just so you get the info, and I get to work on time. As you know, I’ve been using PNF stretching to help me get lower into the “Asian Squat.” It has been incredible. Let me explain… Actually, I have to tell you that this worked so well that my ankle…

  • Happy Life Guide

    After reading “The Courage to Be Disliked” I felt like I’d discovered a personal guide on how to be happy… no matter what I’ve gone through before. It’s as if I’ve been handed the secret to not sweating over whether people like me or not… Because, in the end, I realized happiness is something I…

  • The Myth of More Posts, More Success

    There’s a better way to do online business than stressing over social media. I’ve been reading a little too fast and engaging a little too much for the lifestyle and headspace I like. I’ve been chasing the claps and reads for the last month. This is not normal for me. And it reminded me of…

Got any book recommendations?